Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder Halle (Saale) e.V.
Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder Halle (Saale) e.V.

Courage Beads

Since 2013, the association has been offering the bravery pearl project in pediatric oncology. All patients, big and small, receive a pearl for their bravery for each examination, injection or chemotherapy. The bravery bead necklace is like an open diary and illustrates which therapy stations the child has already been able to overcome. Such a necklace always begins with the child's name and is gradually extended by the individual beads. At the end of a therapy session, all chains are completely individualized, sometimes 2 to 3 meters long.

Thus, each bead and each chain is something very special.


